Established 2010
Currencies ZAR
Licensed by Western Cape Gambling and Racing board
Software BetTech Sports V1.9.3
SA Toll-Free Phone 021 480 7400
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If you live in South Africa and the thought of betting on sports makes you really excited, you need to try out, the site that takes sports betting to a new level. Not only will you find exceptional experience and a wealth of knowledge in this site, but you will be so entertained, you may never want to log off. explained

This site is made especially authoritative by the fact that it is developed by Sedley, a man who has a reputation that no one can measure up to. This man has been active in sports betting locally for over 30 years and it is this experience that he brings to the table in the form of Due to his exceptional career, players can expect some of the most well designed and well developed sports betting when they log on to this site. What this means for them is that the limits are higher, the odds are much more competitive than those offered by other sites and that there is a mobile site that players can take with them on their smartphones or tablets wherever they go.

The thrill of betting live simply cannot be beaten and that is why it is recommended that players try They will get an experience here that they could never find anywhere else, and that will leave them longing for more. In this casino, all of the bets are geared to the player and whether you prefer the commonplace sport of soccer or the more rare women’s boxing, anything could happen in this casino. This is a casino that caters to the preferences of the player and for everyone who is ready to sign up, this means more entertainment and more chances to win. Players can also track their progress live and view statistics that will help them make better choices about their bets. And if they happen to win somewhere along the journey, that’s makes for an even better experience in the long term.